Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce Accredited

Member Benefits

Chamber E-Advertising

Chamber Members have the opportunity to advertise within our bi-weekly electronic newsletter.
An ad is your chance to advertise directly to all Chamber Members. The Chamber E-Newsletter is circulated to all Chamber Members and associates, approximate reach of 500.

Business Card (max size 3 ½” x 2”)

1 time Advertisement $60 +hst
13 Distributions (26 weeks) $175 +hst*
26 Distributions (52 weeks) $300 +hst*

Banner or Flyer (max size 8 ½” x 11” page)
1 time Advertisement $75 +hst
13 Distributions (26 weeks) $225 +hst*
26 Distributions (52 weeks) $400 +hst*

* 13 distributions receives 1 opportunity to replace advertising material
* 26 distributions receives 3 opportunities to replace advertising material
Deadline for advertising material is the Friday proceeding scheduled e-newsletter distribution

Advance reservations are required as advertisements are limited. Cancellation restrictions will apply.

Welcome to our newest members!